Sunday, 22 November 2020


I came across a piece of advice in a Mark Rice-Oxley’s The Upside newsletter: Try to give 20% less of a fuck about everything. In these times where we are inundated by information, are we wasting time on issues that we have no power over, when we could be making a real difference and be more happy working on issues that we can influence? Often these issues are closer to home and closer to our self.

20%LOAF means that out of every 5 issues confronting us, we discard one as not worthy of our energy. This is a more realistic course of action than DGAF immediately. Now assume that we make a yearly resolution to give 20%LOAF, then our attachment will then diminish according to this series: 0.8, 0.64, 0.512, … By the 5th year we would only waste a third of our time, and by the 10th year only a tenth. Wouldn’t that be worth aiming for?

How should we determine if the issue is worth GAF? Here’s a flowchart that might help:


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